Modev began eleven years ago as a meetup with twelve developers gathered around a table at a pizza shop in Arlington, VA. It's hard to imagine that we couldn't even host this kind of event today.
The lockdown due to Covid-19 has been incredibly hard on all industries, especially so for those of us in the events business. We are all anxious to get back to some sense of normality. As states and local municipalities start to re-open and even some major events are scheduled to go on this summer, we don't feel it's safe enough for our community members to hold an in-person conference this year.
Because of this, VOICE 2020 will be a virtual experience and we're working hard on every last detail to ensure we deliver the value you have all come to expect from VOICE.
Our belief is that we can continue to connect and grow this community through the crisis. The launch of VOICE Talks in April is one example of this. The first episode had more than 13,000 subscribers from 106 countries, and we're on track to have more than 25,000 subscribers by the time our second episode airs on May 26th.
VOICE Global has always been planned as a virtual conference and takes place June 9th with more than 150 speakers from around the globe. So no changes there.
We understand that virtual events and online community connections will never replace in-person meetings. But we also know that when our community's health and safety is on the line, going virtual is the best thing we can do. Although we are already witnessing new relationships emerge and adapt within this new constrained reality. That gives us hope that there are so many opportunities to connect—to grow new relationships, form new partnerships, find new customers and hire new people. At Modev, all of the above have happened to us over the past three months.
The video at the end of this post coincides with this announcement as I share a story of my great grandfather, James Mourice Healy, and his infant daughter, Rose. They were both struck down by the Spanish Flu pandemic in April 1919. Hard to believe that 101 years later, I'm in my home with my wife and kids doing all I can to keep the Coronavirus away from our home. While the risks are relatively low, I'd rather not test them until we know more and until I feel it's safe enough for us to re-convene. (What I'd give to hit a pizza shop with y'all about now!)
Thanks for reading and we're immensely grateful to have you in the VOICE community.
P.S. We have great things in store for all our upcoming events and you can join in—completely free. Register for VOICE Talks and hop online this May 26th, and don't forget to join VOICE Global and connect with our worldwide community on June 9th. See you on-screen!
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